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Business accounting in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2021-01-11Updated:2021-01-11
Similar words: accrual basis accountingbusiness activityaccountingloss accountaccounting professionbusiness activitiesaccrual accountingaccounting entity
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1. The inspectors found several irregularities in the business accounts.
2. Businesses accounted for 469 of those false alarms, residences were blamed for 223 and 11 came from governmental locations.
3. Fred owns a garage and has tried to get everything together ready for the business accounts to be drawn up.
4. Please close the High Interest Business Account and transfer the funds to the current account.
5. Still have business accounting side?
6. Chapter 5, booking business accounting income.
7. Active produce cost investigates business accounting to adopt the method that sampling investigation combines.
8. The business accounting concept of discharge is as general as its economic meaning, have the place that be interlinked already, also have its oneself characteristic.
9. Implements " Small business Accounting system" has many superiority, conforms to the Small business financial inventory accounting 's characteristic and the request.
10. Some using management responsibility, methods of business accounting and ways of using management in the enterprise about permanent assets were discussed.
11. In new business accounting in the criterion,( the sound value becomes the biggest luminescent spot.
12. Accordingly, improving our country to serve trade statistic business accounting is urgent affairs.
13. Article 15 Business accounting documents are classified into the following two categories.
14. Article 5 Accountants shall be installed to handle business accounting affairs.
15. Farm finance affairs executes business accounting of two class government, two class.
16. In the present business accounting system, each accounting unit is independent, which can't satisfy the need of industrial management and national economic assessment for microinformation.
17. Knowledge in the subject areas of the business accounting and the controlling.
18. Therefore, for the establishment of a complete business Accounting system of internal control is very important.
19. Business accounting of gross domestic product is the serious content of national economic accounting.
20. Intense market competition request business accounting transforms the function, reflected promptly the administration center needed in anticipation, in matter's financial information.
21. Choosing standard money of charge to an account is business accounting of accounting of industry of condition foreign enterprise cannot evasive problem.
22. The paper first expatiates the basic construction of cost of the higher education, lays stress on its business accounting, analyzes its status in China, and then gives some related countermeasures.
23. Thirdly, the "over-separation" between the national tax law and international business accounting rule result in enhancement of the burden of taxation and the executive cost.
24. An example of this kind of software would be business accounting applications or security devices that use the directory as a configuration for the application and domain users.
25. The network computer accounting will change the original process of business accounting.
26. One , forest asset evaluates the distinction with accountant business accounting 1 . Valuation basis is different.
27. The article plans how to undertake with respect to accountant business accounting taxation plans undertake discussing.
28. With the fast expansion of gas stations both in number and scale, business accounting of gas stations can not be done as independent accounting unit.
29. The reform of economic system makes the governmental function change and the reform of business accounting makes government accounting do.
30. The competent tax authorities shall strengthen their management on the business accounting of tax deduction ledgers.
More similar words: accrual basis accountingbusiness activityaccountingloss accountaccounting professionbusiness activitiesaccrual accountingaccounting entitytax accountingaccounting yearfund accountingaccounting dataaccounting firmcost accountingaccounting incomeaccounting costaccounting unitaccounting periodaccounting booksaccounting cycleaccounting numberaccounting reportaccounting policyaccounting recordpublic accountingaccounting systemaccounting standardaccounting controlgeneral accountingaccounting concept
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